domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010

transcrevo comentário com dica show de um leitor deste blog. valeu amigo "Peixe"!

Grande Elson!
Fico feliz que vc gostou do comentário!
BTW, usei bastante sua dica do podcast para classes de chinês e acabei encontrando um outro muito bacana e de graça: (paga-se pela subscrição caso vc queira os "transcripts" das classes).
Em outubro me perdi algumas vezes em Guangzhou e Shenzhen e não teve como os caras entenderem meu vocabulário pobre e desentoado =). O google maps me salvou no final.

sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010

Conta de R$ 73 mil - Bar Aurora e Boteco Ferraz

another awesome marketing action by the beverage industry (this case a bar in Brazil and against drunk driving)

pure show!!!!!
don't miss watching this video that was shared by one of this blog's commenters, "Peixe", a Brazilian compatriote living in the USA!!!

quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010

Andes Teletransporter - Inovação de Marketing Espetacular

fazia tempo que nao via uma inovação de marketing tao espetacular.  é o tipo de inovacao que torna irrelevante o preço de um determinado produto, como é o caso da cerveja Andes, da Argentina. de parabéns o inventor pela inovação!

sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010

China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, 4th trip, 1997

not far huh?? this is just halfway from HK to Sao Paulo...
the 101 building, Taipei.  for some years, the tallest in the world.
street of Taipei, Taiwan
the main pavillion at COMPUTEX 2007
view from my hotel room, Grand Hotel Taipei. amazing!! 

This one was the coolest trip to Asia in history. Having gone in just 1
week to China (Mainland), Hong Kong and Taipei (Taiwan) was a great
experience. This time I went accompanied by my boss and friend Rose to
visit the COMPUTEX show in Taiwan. It is the most important IT show in the
world, and spread around some 10 pavillions. So just 2 days in Taipei was
definitely the right pick. But we got to make many useful contacts and
learn a bit more about the Asian business and general culture. C-Ya!

China part III!!!

President of Keen High and some of other invitees to the New's Year Party.  Best company party I have ever been to.
increcible Shenzhen's LoWu district at night during the Chinese New Year's times
at a Chinese New Year's festival in Shenzhen, China. invited especially by Keen High, a trusted partner in the electronics manufacturing
this is where your MP3 might be made!!!
incredible skylines at Shenzhen China.  just 25 years ago, this city was just a fishermen village! unbelievable!
looking good huh heheheh all dressed up for showtime at Shenzhen
one of my best friends in China Ivy Wang, now working at HP China!
my first order with my lousy Mandarin Chinese 
this tiny fish is just awesome. but very hot as it is seasoned with sichuan pepper!!!
just like shrimp back home
this is the FASTEST solderer I have ever seen at work!!!
this is an electronics factory production line
this is Kevin, a great friend from Shenzhen China
the main symbol of Chinese power!!
Couldn't believe in just 1 year's time I was back to China again! I think
it has to do with the destiny! But for this trip, I already could say my
first words in Chinese (, remember??) and ask for my own
"fa piao" after paying the taxi. Saying "hen hao chiiii" helped me make
good friends there, as some might know, food is a great pride for the
Chinese and enjoying their food is a great start to build your "guang xi" (a
very complex kind of relationship that is key to having success in
negotiations with Chinese friends and partners... I will save more for a
later posting!
All the best to y'all!!!
This has been Elson Freire from Baghdad for CNN (for the intimate ones
ehhehe) - O Portal de Notícias da Globo > Economia